When you start thinking about the human body and how it functions you come to realize how complex everything is. And then you think about the involuntary actions like burping, hiccups, and farting and you can’t help but feel that those were designed just to make us laugh and sometimes feel embarrassed. However, out of all of them I find farts to be the most hilarious. You can’t help but laugh when you hear or smell someone fart, but how much do we really know about farting? There’s much more to it than making us laugh and feel embarrassed. Here are some amazingly interesting facts about farts you probably didn’t know about:
- It’s a known fact that men fart more than women.
- The term fart was first coined in 1962 and it literally means wind from the anus.
- An average person farts around 14 times a day.
- The average 14 farts a day can fill up a balloon.
- Farts shouldn’t be a reason for feeling embarrassed because they’re a sign you have a healthy digestive system. On the other hand, if you notice you aren’t farting you should consult a doctor.
- Farts are consisted of hydrogen sulfide that reduces mitochondrial damage. It was discovered that smelling farts can actually be beneficial so don’t clog your nose next time someone farts but take a nice deep breath.
- Even though women fart less than men their farts can be smellier because they have a higher amount of hydrogen sulfide in their system. They are also healthier to smell.
- The average speed of a fart is 10 ft/sec.
- If you have very tight sphincter you will produce louder farts as they have smaller tighter area to squeeze out from.
- It’s been proven that chewing gums and sodas stimulate farting so if you notice you’re farting excessively and it bothers you, cut down on their consumption.
- We mostly fart during the night, while we sleep.
- Out of all the animals termites fart the most. Then we should list camels, zebras, sheep, cows, elephants, and dogs (especially labs and retrievers) as one of the big farters as well.