High levels of sugar are usually present in people whose system is not capable of transporting energy to the cells.

If you go a long while without getting checked, this can lead to insulin resistance and diabetes.

An estimated whopping thirty percent of all Americans are struggling with diabetes as we speak. This is why it’s important to regulate your levels on time.

Not only speaking to a professional is important, but taking charge of your health and changing your habits is important also.

If you don’t treat your high blood sugar levels, you can do some serious damage to your system. The immune system just weakens, and it can lead to the development of different kinds of illnesses. Not just that, but you could cause an array of other issues.

With this in mind, the fact that there are plenty of ways to naturally balance out your levels is actually great.

It’s great to know that there are so many natural ways of treating and stabilizing the blood sugar. We’ve gathered some tips and ideas on how to accomplish this.

Good luck!


One of the first recommended things to do when you find out you have imbalanced blood sugar levels is to try out exercise.

Exercise improves your muscle contraction and makes you sensitive to insulin, helps you lose weight. It also keeps the body in shape and a good physical condition.

Do some research and find what’s best for you; swimming, regular bike rides, running, dancing, or whatever else you could think of is more than recommended.


A significant thing to never forget is to control your carbs intake and to eat things that are high in carbs in moderation.

This is important because carbs transform into mostly glucose, which can be bad for the system if you take in too many carbs, that means too much sugar in your body, which later on can lead to a weak system and insulin resistance.

A good thing to do since it’s so hard to avoid carbs nowadays is to find or create your low carb diet and follow it regularly.


Grains are good for you because they slow down the absorption of sugars as well as the digestion of carbs. However, it’s also important to choose the right fibers for your system.

In addition to this, start by learning the two types of fibers; there are soluble fibers and the insoluble ones. Even though both are of great significance, soluble fibers hold the reputation of lowering the blood sugar levels.

Men should have a daily intake of thirty-eight grams of fibers a day, whereas women need about twenty-five.

Following a diet that’s very high-fiber is important for people who want to regulate their levels if they’re going through diabetes type I.

Try out whole grains, legumes, veggies, and fruits.


No matter high blood sugar levels or not, drinking enough water a day is equally as important for anyone in any health state. But in this case, drinking enough water is capable of helping you regulate your levels.

Not only will you prevent dehydration, but you will help your system to release itself of all the excess sugars in your body.

Avoid coffee and alcohol, as well as other fruit juices that contain lots of sugars. It’s best to stick to water and some other beverages that are non-calorie.


Another important topic of conversation is taking control over your portion sizes. This can result in regulated blood sugar, and also weight loss. Consult a professional and see which portion sizes are good for your system and get back on track!

Certain things that could serve as tips for you in this time are things like keeping a food journal, getting rid of your huge plates and replacing them with smaller ones, measuring your food portions and informing yourself about the nutrition values of your meal.


If you’re not familiar with the term, no worries. A glycemic index is a system that ranks food on a scale from 1 to 100, all based on its effect on blood sugar.

The rules are simple, just stick to a low-glycemic-index number and use it as an effective way to regulate your levels, as well as help treat type I and II diabetes.


Scientists claim that stressing out can be to blame for high blood sugar levels. This is the case because of cortisol and glucagon, which are hormones released during a stressful moment, trigger the elevated levels.

During stressful times try your best to keep yourself calm. Do more of what releases serotonin and dopamine.


This is probably one of the most important things you should always make sure it’s at the top of your checklist.

Always make sure you check your blood sugar levels from time to time. This will show you what kind of changes you need to make, whether it’s about your diet or exercise or whatever else.

By regularly checking your blood sugar levels you will be the one who is in control of what next step you need to take to be in a better health shape.


Another thing that should be on your checklist is setting your sleeping pattern. A good seven to eight hours of sleep per night should do the trick. Make sure your body is rested and prepared for the busy day that’s coming.

Not getting enough sleep can lead to sleep deprivation. This, for the system, means lots of unnecessary hormone release, like cortisol and growth hormone.

Not only that but a regulated sleeping pattern is right for an increased appetite and insulin sensitivity.


If you have high blood sugar and problems related to them, make sure to get a blood test and see if you have certain vitamin and mineral deficiencies. The perfect example for such deficiencies is a magnesium and chromium deficiency.

If you have a deficiency related to these two, you will experience issues with your blood sugars, a carb intolerance, as well as your metabolism. This is why supplying yourself with foods like egg-yolk, nuts, meat, broccoli, coffee, cereals, bananas, beans, avocados, etc.


Apple Cider Vinegar already has the reputation to serve as a great addition to your dieting for weight loss, but do you also know that it lowers your blood sugar levels?

Scientists claim that apple cider vinegar makes you a lot more sensitive to insulin and sugars. All you need to do to start using it in your diet is to put it in a salad by mixing two tsp. of it with eight ounces of water.

If you’re already on medication for lowering blood sugar, make sure you speak to a professional before consuming.


Forget about the cinnamon challenge. It’s time to take this spice seriously. Just a few grams, one to six to be exact, is more than enough to boost your system and make you more sensitive towards insulin.

Another thing it’s good for is for breaking down and slowing down the carb digestion in the system, which helps you by slowing down the sugar increase.

Try to incorporate this spice in your diet by putting it in your tea or maybe even in your meals to decrease blood sugar levels by almost thirty percent.


Berberine has been used for treating diabetes for millenniums! This Chinese herb betters the breakdown of carbs and lowers your blood sugar. Experts claim that it is even more efficient than some medication!

You can use Berberine if you have problems with stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation, etc.

1500 milligrams per day is the estimated dosage. The supplement goes as a pill that you should take before all three meals of the day, with a dosage of 500 milligrams per tablet.


A good thing to try out is some fenugreek seeds because they’re packing in fibers, but soluble fibers.

Fenugreek is also famous for lowering blood sugar in people living diabetes. It also improves the tolerance of glucose.

If you would like to try it out, there are plenty of ways to adapt it into your diet. For example, you can either brew it and make some tea or even make some flour out of it. Two to five grams a day is all you need.


Not just weight-loss, but holding to a weight that’s healthy and good for your overall system is a significant thing. So if you have some extra pounds or need to gain some, think of finding a good diet plan and a proper exercise routine that will help you out.

Being overweight shines a light on the risks of becoming IR (Insulin Resistant), as well as diabetes.

Another important thing for maintaining a healthy figure is to watch out for your waistline. A healthy male waistline is around forty inches, whereas a thirty-five-inch waistline is the healthy female one.


Green tea is a great way to regulate your blood sugar levels. It does this by fastening up the metabolism. Drink up to six cups a day and decrease the risk of developing diabetes type II in the future.

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