If you suffer from water retention or high blood pressure eating diuretic foods can be beneficial. These foods can help get rid of excess fluid in the body which can also be good for weight loss as well. Here are 20 diuretic foods that you can easily add to your diet.
Oats are considered to be one of the best foods for losing weight. While oats may seem like a food that soaks things up, they are actually a diuretic and can help if you are retaining water.
Lemon can not only improve the taste of water, but it can also help with hypertension and other illnesses. Add some lemon juice to your water and reap the many health benefits.
3.Brussel Sprouts
These are definitely not a favorite among many, but Brussel sprouts are a very healthy vegetable that is high in antioxidants and low in calories. There was a reason your mom always told you to eat them.
Celery has an abundance of water so it will quickly speed up your urination. If you do not like the chewiness of celery, put it in your smoothie to provide your body with a nutritional boost.
There are many health benefits of ginger including being a powerful cleaner for the body. It will help get rid of any retained fluid in the body.
6.Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is another common household item that has many health benefits. It will stimulate the body to clean itself of excessive fluid.
Beets are a diuretic and have the benefit of numerous antioxidants including betalain, which is only found in a few foods. Fresh beets are the best option to get the most nutritional value.
Another diuretic that can be easily added to your diet is cabbage. It also helps reduce the risk of heart disease.
9.Cranberry Juice
If you have ever had a UTI you know that cranberry juice can be an effective treatment. One of the reasons is that it works as a diuretic.
Parsley is a diuretic and has a number of antioxidants.
11.Caffeinated Beverages
Coffee, tea, and other caffeinated beverages work as diuretics to help you lose weight and lower blood pressure.
Adding eggplant as a side dish to any meal can help you eliminate water weight.
Tomatoes are powerful diuretics. Eat them plain or juice them.
Drinking water helps release extra fluid from the body.
Abundant in water, watermelon is a powerful diuretic.
Like watermelon cucumbers are mostly water, making it a very hydrating vegetable.
Garlic can cleanse the body in numerous ways, so add a bit to your food a few times a week.
Carrots are known to be helpful with eyesight, but they have many other health benefits as well.
Asparagus is not only abundant in nutrients, but is also a powerful diuretic.
Artichokes often will match the effects of taking a prescription medication for water retention making this one of the most potent diuretic foods.