5 Minutes Detox With A Coconut Oil Cleanse To Get Rid Of Parasites, Viruses, And Fungal Infections!

The coconut oil is extremely healthy.It has the ability to effectively eliminate viruses, harmful parasites, and  It is the best natural way of elimination of toxins from your body in a short period of time. 

Coconut oil contains medium chain triglycerides that help to strengthen and boost the immune system.

It is high in lauric acid and caprylic acid, which possess antiviral, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties.

These substances attack bad bacteria and leave good bacteria, which leads to a balanced gut flora in the digestive system. Coconut oil kills yeast and other fungal overgrowth in the body. There are other benefits to coconut oil:

  • Improved brain wellbeing and mental clarity.
  • Improved processing capacity.
  • Improved glucose.
  • Prevent and treat degenerative mind sickness.
  • Prevent cardiovascular infection.
  • Prevent cancer.
  • Improve good cholesterol.
  • Boost energy levels.
  • Improve immune system.
  • Lose excess body fat.
  • Improved thyroid capacity.
  • Improved skin tone and appearance.
  • Protect and restore joint capacity.
  • Balance gut flora.
  • Prevent and treat Crohn’s sickness.
  • Protect against bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic infections.


1.First of all, you must use organic, raw extra virgin coconut, because the other un-organic types don’t offer the same benefits that organic coconut oil has.

2.During the detox your should drink plenty of water as much as you can in order to flush out the parasites.

3.If you have never taken coconut oil before, then you will need to let the body get accustomed to it. First start by adding it to your diet gradually, half a teaspoon, three times a day, then start increasing it to 1-2 teaspoons, 3 times a day and so on. It will take you about 2 weeks until you reach the amount you will need to consume for the detox. Once you feel like you can take this much without problems you can start the coconut oil detox program.


During this coconut oil detox you should mix some coconut oil in a glass of warm water and consume it for 3-7 days.Also you will need to consume 10-14 tablespoons of coconut oil daily. Two tablespoons can be taken at 2-hour intervals throughout the day.

If the taste of coconut is too strong for you can mix it with plain, organic yogurt for easier consumption. Also you can add some fresh coconut meat, not more than 4 ounces. It contains fibers which are beneficial for the gut flora.


Finally, it is highly recommended to consult your physician before starting the coconut oil cleanse, in case you have any medical condition.


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