Butterflies are a symbol of love, happiness and profound transformation of the soul. They are powerful symbols of Life and each butterfly represents some specific characteristics of the month they are associated with. Find out what your birth month butterfly reveals about you and your personality traits.
You are a very attentive person and a good listener. This quality attracts a lot of friends as anyone who has a problem comes to you. You are admired for your optimistic and positive attitude towards life. You love independence, freedom, and beauty. A room is filled with joy as you walk into it. Your aura and charisma are very intense and people are subconsciously attracted towards you because of it.
Your personality is confident, vibrant and captivating. You can lead a group if you want to or be invisible, it’s up to you and this unique ability makes you stand out. You fascinate people and charm everyone with your magnetism.
Your best quality is that you never give up. However maybe the situation, whatever mess you may be in, you try your best. You have a determination and you like to keep a steady pace in life. You believe everything is for the good and your intuition is very strong. You are also a very intense person having a deep hidden side to your individuality.
You are emotional and small things matter a lot to you. You are loved for your caring and sensitivity. You love peace and make the world a very loving place with your positivity and peaceful nature. You don’t like to get into conflicts and like to keep to yourself.
You have an overall amazing personality and you are liked for being yourself. You may seem unapproachable to some people but once one gets to know you, one knows that you go lengths to support your loved ones. You are very practical and love your friends and family deeply.
You are a wonderful person and avoid clashes at any rate. You like to make the world a better place with your love and warmth. You have a heart of gold and always keep in mind other people wishes. Further, people born in June are very beautiful and make exceptionally great partners.
You have a very strong personality with your courage and bravery. But, you have a sensitive side which you keep hidden under your strong exterior. Only a few special ones close to you, witness this sensitive and warm side of you. You stand up to any wrong going on around you and always respect people.
You are brutally honest and you are known for this trait. You do what you preach. You like honesty in all spheres and can admit a mistake gracefully when you are wrong. You love to be the centre of attraction and your personality helps you in it.
You have a very vivid imagination and your inquisitive nature makes you question everything around you. You have a way with getting what you want and always come out from any sticky situation with ease. You are admired for this ability and people are always ready to follow your lead.
You are the problem solver for everyone and you do so with an unbiased attitude. You are a very attentive listener and ready to listen to anyone problems. You are very thoughtful, helpful and kind by nature.
You have a very expressive mind and your mind is always filled with new innovative ideas. You like to observe your surrounding and gather as much as you can by observing your surroundings. You have your own world and you are happy living that way. Your mind may always be in your own world but you are firmly connected to reality.
You are ambitious and have come a long way. You are very susceptible and you are not afraid to show your feelings. People admire your quality to accept your mistakes and show your feelings openly. But, even with your best efforts you never get enough and you are forever hoping for more.