People that suffer from Migraine are often anxious to get rid of the terrible and annoying pain characterizing this condition. There is a common thinking that a migraine is not a big deal, but a really bad migraine can pretty much handicap and take you down for the rest of the day.
There are natural remedies that in some can almost immediately cure a nasty migraine headache. There are two ingredients that are most effective in combating the pain of a migraine: lemon and ginger.
1.Add a teaspoon of dried ginger powder to a mug and add boiling water to it. Feel free to steep a favorite type of tea as well.
2.Allow to cool for a bit, then add the juice from half an organic lemon.
3.Drink the tea once it’s cooled to a lukewarm temperature.
4.Repeat 3-4 times a day if the migraine persists.
Typically, one cup will get rid of a migraine but sometimes they’re more intense than usual.