How To Clean Your Ears? Best Ways To Remove Earwax! (VIDEO)

The earwax inside the ears has a purpose, which is protecting the ear canal. It actually helps the ear clean itself and stay lubricated, protecting it thus from bacteria, water, insects, fungi, etc. the earwax is also called cerumen, which is the medical term.

The cerumen represents a protective barrier which saves the delicate and the sensitive skin inside the external auditory canal from harm.

From time to time, the earwax accumulates in the ear in greater quantities. The majority of people do not know how to use the Q-tips and put them inside their ears in order to clean them. Even though it sounds weird, the ear wax is actually good for you. Placing a Q-tip anywhere with the exception of the outermost parts of the ear can cause a lot of harm to your health.

It is recommended that when there is some earwax in your ears, you just leave it alone. The ear has a magically, wonderfully working system which works in the following way: the skin grows outward gradually and it almost forms a little conveyor belt that carries the earwax out.

Doctors suggest that when there is a cerumen buildup in your ears, you do not reach for the cotton swab, as it will just shove the cerumen right down the ear canal and it will make it stuck there.

This is why you should only use the Q-tips for applying make-up, and not for sticking them into your ears. In case you notice some wax at the outer ear, you should wash it off with a wash cloth during the bath or during a shower.

Moreover, if there is a larger issue where there is a bigger wax buildup, you can use some of the following home remedies:

Home remedies for earwax removal

The simplest remedy for removing the earwax buildup from your ear is most likely mineral oil or baby oil. The oil will loosen up the cerumen and make it easier for it to flow out. You can also prepare a mixture using white vinegar, highly acidic in nature, and alcohol. Place several drops in the ears and shake them back up to aid loosen up the wax and carry it out too.

Do not flush the fluid forcefully into the ear as you do not know if your eardrum has a hole in it, which can sometimes be the case. In case there is a hole in your eardrum and you pour some fluid into the middle ear, you may cause some really serious infection. This is why you should do the flushing after a doctor has looked into the ear.

In the end, do not forget that earwax is generally good. You can utilize mineral oil, baby oil, or a vinegar and alcohol combination for cleaning the earwax from your ears, but in case you have caused a real problem, you better seek for help from a doctor.

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