Lose Weight, Feel Better –Sugar Detox In Just 3 Days!

We all know that the main ingredient for our obesity and overweight is sugar, alongside with carbohydrates and fats.

While moderate sugar consumption poses no health risk, the average person consumes high quantities of sugar maybe without even knowing it.

There are so many foods and drinks that contain added sugars, like sodas, breakfast cereal, pouch juices, salad dressings, yogurts and of course candy, which contain a large amount of sugar and puts our body in overload. But there are also some foods that contain sugar naturally like honey, raisins, pure fruit juices, mangoes and bananas  which are simple carbohydrates.

An overconsumption of sugar has bad effects on our health. And, even worse, excessive amounts of sugar create problems in the nutritional intake for the body.

There are many side effects and symptoms of overconsumption of sugar, such as: hyperactivity, consequent fatigue, yeast infections, depressive moods, headaches, colds or sinus problems, sleepiness, disorientation, etc. We can also say that chronic sugar overload can increase the risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease and even breast cancer.

When we consume high amounts of sugar, our body converts the needed amount of sugar into energy. But, the bad part is that our body stores the remaining part as body fat. And, even worse is that the added sugars in many food products don’t have the same effect on metabolism such as the natural sugars. When we consume it, they arrive in the bowel and they can cause bowel bacteria which will increase the blood sugar levels. This type of sugar is also converted to fat. When a  person addicted to his body continues to store unnecessary sugar to fat in the hips, waist, and thighs and in his face.

We can also say that is almost impossible to stop or quit sugar addiction if you don not quit it altogether. When people try to eliminate sugar from their diet, they experience symptoms, such as: sadness, headaches, queasiness, fatigue and cravings. If a person is addicted to sugar, these symptoms occur after this person had a meal. His body is experiencing cravings for sugar and the body is telling your brain that it is hungry again.And in most cases, person who is addicted to sugar will eat something sweet again. And, the worst part comes when that person satisfies his sugar cravings with that cookie, these symptoms – sadness, headaches and other feelings will disappear and he or she will feel much better. In this case is important to know that if you want to give up sugar, you have to abstain from it altogether.We can also say that moderation fails in most cases. So if you or any other person who wants to quit sugar can “carry” the discomfort of the withdrawal symptoms for just few days, you can stop the addiction and the most important thing of all is that you will feel more healthier and refreshed!


Day 1

  • Breakfast: 1 cup of steel cut oats with berries and seeds or almonds, or 3 scrambled eggs
  • Mid morning snack: small bowl of nuts
  • Lunch: Chicken poached breast with a bowl of lightly cooked butternut squash, beets, carrots, parsnips, turnips, beans and almonds
  • Dinner: Broiled fish and a bowl of green beans, or salmon with stir-fried broccoli and mushrooms

Day 2

  • Breakfast: 1 cup of steel cut oats with seeds, almonds or berries, or 3 scrambled eggs with spinach
  • Mid morning snack: small bowl of nuts
  • Lunch: Grilled zucchini with red and yellow peppers and a dressing of lemon, vinegar and thyme, or a shredded green and red cabbage salad with shredded carrots, drizzled with an olive oil, lemon juice and salt dressing, garnished with chopped parsley
  • Dinner: Steamed green vegetables of your choice with a vegetable casserole and bean soup, or baked cod with fried bok choy and roasted Brussels sprouts and turnips

Day 3:

  • Breakfast: 1 cup of steel cut oats with berries, seeds, almonds, or 3 fried eggs with shrimp and a sautéed kale, radish and walnut salad
  • Mid morning snack: small bowl of nuts
  • Lunch: Pan roasted chicken thighs with sage, lemon and rosemary, or oven roasted chicken with onion, thyme and black olives.
  • Dinner: Mushroom heads with a broth of garlic, onion, carrots, celery, thyme and bay leaves, or penne pasta with a mushroom, basil and tomato meat sauce.

Sugar Detox – Drinks

If you can eliminate drinks high in added sugar from your diet, you can easily stop the sugar addiction. And even better is to replace the sugared fruit juices with detoxification waters and healthy hot mixtures that will boost your metabolism and you won`t feel deprived of your liquid intake.

Detox water: first, you should slice or chop one of these fruits: grapefruits, blueberries, strawberries or oranges. You can also add some fresh rosemary or mint and put all the ingredients in a medium sized jar filled with filtered water. Store it in refrigerator and drink it every day.

Tea: you can drink unsweetened herbal or green tea, 3 times per every day.

Coffee: you can only drink only 1 cup of unsweetened black coffee every day.


1. You need to stay away from products like honey, agave nectar, maple syrup and all forms of artificial sweeteners.This is because if you are exposed to even small amounts of sugar, you will want more and more!

2.Be prepared to fight the cravings!

3.You should replace fast carbohydrate foods, such as white bread and fruit juices with slow-carbohydrate foods, such as whole grains. These types of foods will prevent the sugar overload and constant cravings, and it will regulate the release of sugar in your bloodstream.

4.Always cook with extra-virgin olive oil.

5.Consume 2 ounces of nuts and seeds daily. Be sure you include flaxseeds and walnuts.

6.Eat 1 larger bowl of cooked green vegetables every day since you have to intake enough nutrients when you are fighting an addiction.

7. You should consume green salad every day and choose a healthy dressing.

8.Eat at least ½ cup of beans, chickpeas and lentils, per day.Beans are known to reduce the sugar cravings.

9.Do not forget to drink a lot of water.

After you successfully complete this three-day detox plan, your depression, fatigue and headaches  will disappear and you will notice that it is possible to live without a daily sugar “fix”! The next step that you need to do  is to consult a nutritionist or a doctor. They will figure out a longer diet plan so that you can keep the sugar addiction at minimal, and you will start using healthier forms of sugar such as: fruits, dry fruits and many low sugar desserts. This method will help you to lose weight and will feel healthier like never before!

source:Top 10 Home Remedies



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