This Simple Leaf Prevents Stroke, Hypertension, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s And More

For a long time, Scientists  have tested the olive leaf extract for its beneficial properties and they found to be very effective against various number of diseases.

Olive leaves have many health benefits, such as cardiovascular and immune system protection, increasing energy, blood pressure regulation, prevention of diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease.

We all know that olives grow in Mediterranean countries, but they also grow in southern Australia, Peru and Chile. For the first time, olive leaves were used in ancient Egypt, for mummification of pharaohs. Back then,olive leaves were also a symbol of divine power.

Back in the 1800s, olive leaves were used as a fever remedy, and a few decades later,  these leaves of green olive tree tea were used for tea preparation to treat malaria.

Because of its antibacterial properties, olive leaf extract has been used to treat a wide variety of diseases such as: Candida infections, meningitis, encephalitis, influenza, Human Herpes Virus 6 and 7, Hepatitis B, pneumonia, common cold, Epstein – Barr virus (EBV), Herpes I and II, herpes zoster, Malaria, dengue fever, chronic fatigue, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, severe diarrhea, urinary tract infections, ear infections and  HIV / AIDS.

The olive leaf extract has been shown to have protective effect for the heart, because can prevent coronary occlusion. It also protects blood vessels from damaging. If you are taking olive leaf extract for a long period of time, it is considered that can reverse atherosclerosis.

All the benefits of olive leaf extract and olive components in general, leads to a new scientific interest in the “Mediterranean diet”. The Mediterranean diet is mainly based on healthy, unsaturated fats, such olive oil and fish.

Add olive oil to your diet , it is very good for your health, but in addition, olive leaf extract is another natural way to improve your health in ways you don’t even know is possible.

Olive leaf extract can be found as capsules, oil extract or simply as leaves. You can prepare yourself a tea using olive leaf extract and honey, or just put a few drops of olive leaf extract directly on the tongue.


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