What A Hero – Dog Saves A Family From Cobras Then Something Even Scaries Happens

When the whole family was scared to death from this poisonous snakes his dog a Doberman stood in from of them and fiercely fighting against the attackers.

They first tried to enter the house but on their path to the home, they met the family’s dog Doberman in the yard and had an unpleasant encounter.

The dog successfully coped with the snakes that were trying to escape from him. An eyewitness said that during the fighting, the snakes stung the dog and that the he lost a lot of blood.

The dog did not stop until he killed the last one of the snakes, so they couldn’t hurt a family member.

The dog, unfortunately collapsed from the poison of the snakes. The family is still in shock over the incident that occurred on Monday evening.

“I’m in shock. He sacrificed himself for me and my family. I will remember it until my death. I pray to God – that his soul rests in peace. “

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